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青森県出身。アパレルファッションデザイナーを経て、ペン画家として活動開始。繊細な人物画を描くと共に近年はストリートカルチャー要素を含むスカルや 安全ピン等のモチーフ作品を制作している。
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The CEO of “Gentle Ink Tattoo” in Sasebo city, Nagasaki. With his artwork theme “Eros", he has an international experience as a guest tattooer around the world for a long period of time. Opening up a long-awated Tokyo studio this coming winter.
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A tattoo artist at “Stan Ink World" in Komaba, Tokyo. Even though he is young, 26 years old, there are so many fans that want to get his unique artwork on their body.
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A Co-owner of ”The SHOP OKINAWA". He has been earning an international reptation although his studio is in Okinawa because more than a half of his customers are Americans.
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Aki had strated his career at “Nidaime(2nd) Bonten" and opened his own studio “Diablo Art" in 2004 that is located 10 minutes away form Yokohama station. He has a wide range of artworks from Japanese trad style to Anime tattoo.
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